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I desire that you become well in all areas of life and offer the following coaching services:

Wellness Coaching

Life Coaching

Christian Coaching

Caregiver Coaching




What is the job of a life coach Christian coach and Caregiver Coach?


  •  A partner in achieving personal and business goals

  • A sounding board when exploring choices

  • A motivational mentor

  • One who gives unconditional support

  • A wake-up call and a reality sandwich

  • A designer to help create a more productive life

  • A beacon during stormy times

  • A teacher in life and communications

  • A referee to help “push the envelope”


You are The Authority of Your Own Life
If we are not specifically controlling our own life and creating the circumstances which are necessary to meet our desires, we will become an instrument for others who do have control of their own life. We in essence will be used by others to meet their mission and destiny.

What makes coaching Christian?

Christian Coaches helps people to clarify their calling, discover their visions, and take steps that are necessary to help reach their goals. As your Christian Coach my calling is to be the fire that is needed to stir up the gifts within and help you to move from where you are to where God wants you to be.


Life Coaching

 I help you move from where you are to where you want to be. You decide based on your beliefs if you want to to have either Christian Coaching or Life Coaching. The result is the same whether I'm your Life, Christian, or Caregiver coach- I help you transform yourself into powerful leaders in your chosen industry.


Wellness Coaching

Life is all about finding balance in all aspects of your life, and when one factor is not aligned it causes disease and can stagnate your growth. Wellness coaching is about helping you get from where you are physically, mentally, socially, financially, persoanlly, and professionally and help move you into a positive direction toward a balanced, fulfilled, and satisfied life define by you.







Health Care & Caregiver Coaching

I work with both the indiviudal caregiver and the caregiver in facilities to ensure that they manage to change effectively, can relate to people reflectively, getting unstuck and out of ruts,helping you expand your capacity to take action, building self-confidence,finding the tools, support, and accountablitity to help the client focus better, be more efficient, and reach more goals more quickly. I also work with each individual managed care client to walk them through each phase of transition into the care of their loved one, we will sit down and discuss options, and determine the steps to take to ensure that your loved one receives the care that is deserved.

Call today to set up an appointment to discuss your needs as a health care professional or as an individual caregiver providing care for a loved one and you need a little support or guidance navigating through the options that is right for you and your family.

LM SeniorCare

provides the following non-medical care services: Senior Support Services

-Meal preparation

-Medication Reminders

-Oral Hygiene




and the following

Homemaker Services :



-Grocery shopping


Counseling Services

Biblical Counseling

Helps the individual make transformations in their lives that adheres to biblical doctrine. This approach uses the Bible to help people deal with their circumstances and handle them in a way that conforms to a biblical worldview helping them grow and mature in the faith.


Pastoral Counseling:

I provide pastoral counseling services to help individuals on a more spiritual level using Biblical principles to guide you into a direction that is based on wisdom from the Holy Bible.

Individual  Coaching Sessions

Life Coaching

Christian coaching

Wellness Programs

Christian Financial Coaching

Pastoral/biblical Counseling


5 or more

Inspirational Speaking- Call for scheduling

Coaching is provided via phone, or email-

LMSenior Care Companion service is local area

only/ East Texas

Transformed Mindz Counseling Services is designed  to equip, empower, exhort and encourage you to reach your maximum potential both personally and professionally.

Equip-is defined as to be provided with what is necessary for an undertaking.

When I was playing sports no matter which you needed the proper equipment in order to be successful ie. gloves, bats and cleats for softball, shoes for bastekball, track shoes for track, and even chemical weapons for use as a correctional officer. No matter what I did I needed to be provided with the tools, teachings, guidance and all necessary equipment to accomplish any task. That is the first part of my system. To equip you with strategies, tools, and skills necessary to not only meet your goals but to maximize them.

Empower-Means to give official authority or leqal power to someone. With my system I give you the ability to empower yourself. When you know who you are you can walk around sure of yourself having confidence that you can meet any task.

Exhort-To strongly encourage or advise. One of my spiritual gifts is the gift of exhortation and I use this gift to advise, encourage, instruct and to help you transform your life. Hebrews 10:24 NIV "and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."

Encourage- Means to inspire someone with the courage or confidence to do something. That is my goal as your life coach to inspire you to make changes that are everlasting, to help you renew your mind to God's word instead of the worlds word or negative thought patterns.


Legal Disclaimer:  The information contained within Transformed Mindz Counseling Services web site or within coaching sessions, classes, or workshops, is not a substitute for professional advice such as from a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, counselor or therapist of any kind. The information provided by Transformed Mindz Counseling Services, Lorie Mayfield does not constitute legal or medical professional advice nor is it intended to constitute such advice. The information provided is for your spiritual and educational well-being.

My pledge to you:"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,"(Luke 4:18, NIV)

This is the mission of TMCS

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